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       Nataša Tasić Knežević

        Operatic Experience


Servilia, La Clemenca di Titto, Belgrade Operosa Studio, Belgrade 2015.

Micaela, Carmen, Belgrade Nationa Theatre, Belgrade 2014.  

Suor Dolcina

Suor Gienovieffa

Suor Osmina, Suor Angelica, Belgrade National Theatre, Belgrade 2007.-2012.

Frasquita, Carmen, Belgrade National Theatre, Belgrade 2010.


        Prepared roles


Micaela, Carmen


Zerlina, Don Giovanni            

Laureta,Gianni Schicchi

Margareta, Faust    

Gabriele, seine Frau, Wiener Blut

Servilia, La Clemenca di Titto

Priest, Aida

Ana, Nabuko


        Concert Experience


  • Concerts in Hannover, Germay, 2015., 2016.

  • Concert for the Europion Councel, Strasbourg  2014.

  • Concert for the embassy of the Europion Union 2014.

  • National Theatre, Carmen, Micaela 2014.

  • New Year's concert, National theatre museum, Belgrade, December 2013.

  • Concerts in Norway 2013., 2014.

  • Spring voices, concert at National theatre Belgrade 2013.

  • British embassy, Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, Belgrade, 2012.

  • Salzburg festespiele, Salzburg, Austria 2012.

  • Concert Norway 2012.

  • Norwegian embassy, Belgrade 2012.

  • Falstad holocaust memorial center, slavic melodies, Norway 2012.

  • National theatre, opera, “Sour Angelica”, 2012.

  • National theatre, Belgrade, Concert “Days of Roma” 2012.

  • Song cycles by G. Verdi and G. Rossini, “Stankovic” concert hall, Belgrade 2011.

  • No pasaran, spanish revolutionary songs, concert performed with Dr. Smiljka Isakovic – harpsichord, City Hall of Belgrade, 2011.

  • Classics at Roma themes (Brahms, Dvořák, De Falla…), three concerts under the patronage of the Belgrade Secretary of Culture, Belgrade, 2010.

  • Serbian lied, Music hall “Mokranjac”, concert under the patronage of the Serbian Association of Musical Artists, Belgrade, 2009.

  • Belcanto repertoire and Russian composers evenings, Ibla Grand Prize festival,  Ragusa, Sicily, Italy, 2009.

  • Belcanto repertoire, Kalemegdan fortress, “Days of Belgrade” festival,  Belgrade, 2009.

  • Roma music songs, Macedonian Philharmonic, under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia, 2009.

  • Songs of  Isaac Albeniz,  Ethnographic Museum Hall, under the patronage of the Spanish Cultural Center “Cervantes”,Belgrade, 2009.

  • Spanish songs, concert for spanish diplomacy, City Hall of Belgrade,  Belgrade, 2007.

  • Spanish composers’s songs, performed with Dr. Smiljka Isakovic - cembalo, concert hall „Kolarac“, Belgrade, 2007.

  • Belcanto repertoire with “Stanislav Binički” symphonic orchestra, concert hall „Kolarac“, Belgrade, 2007.           

  • BEMUS international music festival, Belgrade, 2006.

Various performances at:  concert hall „Cankarjev Dom“, (Ljubljana, Slovenia), „Lendava concert hall“, (Slovenia), Ethnographic Museum in  Belgrade,  Gallery “PROGRES”, Belgrade, Cultural Center in Trstenik,  Castle of Culture in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbian cultural centre in Paris (Days of Roma culture in Paris, France), Museum „Cvijeta Zuzorić“, Belgrade, Concert halls in Leskovac, Paraćin, Beočin, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Jagodina, Subotica and all other  important concert  halls in Serbia.



        Competitions & Festivals


Ibla Grand Prize International music competition, Accomplished competitor, Ragusa,Sicily, 2009.

Jeunesses musicales competition, Semifinalist, Belgrade, 2008.

Lazar Jovanovic international music competition, Second prize, Belgrade, 2008.


Theater play "Boat flows to Belgrade", Theater Atelje 212, Belgrade    

"Suno e Romengo"  and  "All is not as it seems", Roma Theatre plays, Belgrade

"Kargo Beograd – Sofija", BITEF  International theatre festival, Belgrade

"Fear and its Servant", BELEF Summer Cultural Festival, Belgrade



        Teaching experience

Vocal pedagogue  in music school “Petar Stojanovic” , Ub, Serbia, 2007. – present




Mirella Freni

Ira Siff

Radmila Bakocevic

Jasmina Trumbetas

Visnja Pavlovic

Jasna Sajnovic


Nebojsa Dugalic

Marko Stojanovic

Boris Pingovic



Djordje Nesic

Srdjan Jarakovic

Gleb Gorbunov

Nevena Zivkovic



Dejan Savic

Mladen Jagust

Johannes Harneit



Kokan Mladenovic

Ivana Dragutinovic

Stefan Kaegi




  • Belgrade Music Academy,Singing Specialistic studies with prof. Visnja Pavlovic, Belgrade 2012.

  • Academy of Fine Arts, singing, Graduated with prof. Jasna Sajnovic, Belgrade 2007.

  • With David Bizic, Master class, Belgrade 2012./13.

  • With Marijana Mijanovic, Master class, Belgrade 2013.

  • 2015 CANTO Vocal program, Zagreb 2015.

            Teachers: Ira Siff, Lucy Arne, Sharon Mohar, Liora Mauer, Hans Pieter Herman

  • CUBEC, Mirella Freni Belcanto Academy, Master class, Modena, Italy,  2011.

© All rights reserved 2016  - Nataša Tasić

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